…marked the very first (official) day of my sophomore year here at AU. And so far, I’m lovin’ it.
Let’s rewind. Friday was the official move in day for upperclassmen, which meant that I got there just one day after 700 rowdy and scared new freshmen arrives on campus. I remember all of the feelings I had during my freshmen orientation week. I was nervous for classes. I missed my family. I was excited to meet new people. I was overwhelmed at the number of people I met. I was scared that I wasn’t going to be able to find my classes.
Anyway, back to present day. Friday morning I loaded up little ol’ Tercel and I headed to Anderson, with Mikey following behind. We arrived on campus and unpacked my car, while in the process seeing a plethora of familiar faces. I unpacked my stuff, got the key for my room, and sat in my room for awhile because I had absolutely no idea what to do with all of my stuff. I was overwhelmed!
Alex and Rachel came over and helped me move some furniture (oh, and we lofted beds, not so easy with three people by the way). I felt a little better because we had made some progress. I finished unpacking most of my stuff and went around and helped other people rearrange their rooms, and ended up staying in my dorm room Friday night (even though I forgot my sheets at home, that was an unpleasant evening).
Saturday morning my family (mom, dad, brother) came up with things from home that I needed. You know, the essential dorm room stuff, television, microwave, fridge, sheets, hangers, the usual. We unpacked all that and they left in a flash.
Carrie got here mid-afternoon Saturday and I was so excited to see her and get her unpacked and make our room all pretty decorated. And that’s just what we did the rest of Saturday. Unpacked her stuff, rearranged the room a little bit, oh and had the Haven for the first time (my stomach is still adjusting to that food).
And here I am. The night after the very first day of classes. It’s so weird how different I feel from last year. Last year I was so nervous for classes, and this year, I walk with more confidence in knowing people, and knowing what to expect from certain professors.
My name is Kelsi, and I am a sophomore at Anderson University. Officially. Let the games begin.