Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Things I'm Looking Forward To

-Moving back to Anderson
-Eating that soft serve ice cream from the MP
-Telling myself I am only going to have it once a week, but it always turns out once a day
-Ricker's runs!
-Living with Carrie :)
-Not having to walk upstairs to get to my room (1st floor!)
-Living in Martin
-Listening to my records and cassettes in my room
-Taking the elevator to 3rd floor Decker
-Sitting on the ledge of Helios after class
-Watching the leaves turn in the fall
-Going to the library with Carrie and renting CD's with our sweet library cards
..and of course..
-Seeing all of my friends from AU :)

I missed ya'll.

1 comment:

  1. We love Rickers! Ever visit The Lemon Drop?

