Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What Really Happens in the Cornfields

Went to Cincinnati to the famous home furnishings store, IKEA. One way in, one way out, this place is absolutely ginormous and is filled with anything you could ever imagine!

I spent 24 dollars today on a mouse pad, a wok, a pack of chopsticks, Swedish cookies, Swedish jam, a pillow, a reusable bag, and Swedish chocolate. Pretty cheap!

Anyway, to a more less positive note, on the way to IKEA, Alex, her mom, and I encountered something pretty crazy. We were on the highway, or somewhere like that, and there was this huge semi truck in front of us. All of the sudden we see a man coming towards us who is pulling over onto the side of the road. His truck is smoking and he gets out very fast and looks pretty ticked off. We thought he had a hit and run and was mad about the other person driving off. We then see him pull out his phone and run across the street to the cornfield. All three of us are wondering where in the world he is going. Then we see her. We all look the the right of us and there she was, an elderly woman in her car, in the middle of a cornfield. How did that happen you ask? She was turning left into her driveway that is right off the highway. This man in the truck was coming towards her. This woman, Rosie (we later learned), pulled right out on front of him and he had to time to brake so they collided, sending Rosie in a few spins and straight to the cornfield.

We stopped the car and got out to make sure everything was alright with her while the other man called the cops and ambulance. We talked to Rosie, she said she didn't feel hurt, and learned that she lived by herself and all of her kids live out of state. We were there for about 20 minutes when the police showed up, and by the time we had left, the ambulance hadn't even gotten there. Hopefully Rosie wasn't too injured internally because the ambulance took forever and a day to get there. I just thank God that each of the people involved in the accident weren't hurt too badly, or at all.

What an exciting day!

P.s. Happy Birthday..someone! You know who you are :)

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