Monday, June 21, 2010

Four Minute Death Drive

Yeah, I know what you are thinking. It is usually a thunderstorm. Oh, no. Not tonight. This was straight up a lightning storm. There was no rain. Let me break it down.

Daddy calls me at 11:13 and tells me to come on home, because there is a storm a'brewin'. Soooo I grabbed my stuff Lightning McQueen fast and headed out Kayla's door.

I ran to my car which was no more than 50 feet from the front porch, turned the key, and quickly drove off.

In the neighborhood, I wasn't using turn signals, doing turns at about 45mph and almost ran a red light. There was lightning all around me, there was about a strike every 3 seconds. And seriously, the lighting was right on top of me. I could see it out of my front window, and literally, the clouds it was coming out of seemed like they were 5 feet away from me. And no, that isn't an exaggeration.

This whole time while I am basically driving through God's lightning storm, I was screaming and yelling and ripping my hair out because I was so scared. Every time the lightning struck, I screamed even louder and kept praying that God would keep me safe.

I made it home safely in a whopping four minutes, and for the record, this is usually a seven minute drive.

Thank you God for keeping me safe, and providing me with a great lightning show that (what felt like) was 5 feet in front of me. I just wish I was safe inside my home while the show was going on, but thanks anyway.

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