Monday, June 28, 2010

Girls are Great at Multi-Tasking

On May 6th, 2007, I went to the BMV to get a little slice of my own freedom, my driver's license. There were things that I learned in driver's education like how to use a turn signal, to keep both hands on the wheel, and check your rearview mirrors regularly. Things that I wasn't taught to do while driving is how to put makeup using the rearview mirror, change a pair of pants, and paint my nails using the steering wheel as a makeshift table. Hey, I am always running late so sometimes it's easier to do these things in the car!

Those listed above are things I have done while I have been behind the wheel. Other things I have done would include text (not anymore), read a book, eat a bowl of cereal, drive with my left foot (this was just fun), and many other things that are probably considered unsafe.

What kinds of crazy things have YOU done while you were driving?

Someone I talked to recently (no name needed), said she had changed her bra in the car on her way to work!

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