Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Lightning Bugs

I have always wondered why people blog. People put different things in their blog such as:
-what they did that day
-top 10 lists
-how they are feeling
-thoughts about anything
-conversations they had with people

Soooo..I have decided to start my blog and include of all that fun stuff. Enjoy!

And here is the first official blog post below.

Lexi, Christian and I took a little trip to Handle's earlier. Oh, and Zoey came for some ice cream, too. We ordered our desserts and took a little walk through a close by neighborhood and that is when I saw the bug. The lightning bug. That can only mean one thing, it's summer. Unofficially. The start of later sunsets, stargazing on top of my car, and the smell of a wet dog outside.

Hello summer, unofficially.

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